
March 23, 2020
Mar 24, 2020

Today, the Governor of Virginia ordered: Cancelled school for the rest of the academic school year Restaurants are limited to curbside/takeout and delivery only Essentially all congregation areas / brick and mortar retail are closed – gyms, theaters, fitness centers, salons/barbers, bowling, you name it Essential places of business can remain open – medical supplies, grocery stores, etc. … somewhat interestingly, beer/wine/liquor stores are part of this “essential” list. I’m ok with that … even though I’m not really a frequent drinker.

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March 22, 2020
Mar 23, 2020

Virginia has 3 deaths now. My county, Goochland, has its second confirmed case. Testing still isn’t happening on a widespread basis. Stayed home all day today. I did get outside to remove the snow plow from my lawn tractor and reinstalled the mower deck. Felt good to be outside and doing something. Stumbled across this video with a general from the Corps of Engineers – if this can actually happen and move forward, then I would say this is one of the first good signs of there being some kind of plan.

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March 21, 2020
Mar 21, 2020

Decided to finish the season of Living With Yourself that I started awhile back on Netflix and never finished. Took some stuff to the dump today ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Still trying to figure out what to do with downtime. I don’t really have anything else worth sharing … COVID-19 U.S. Stats for 2020-3-21 Total Cases: 26,025 Total Deaths: 475 COVID-19 U.S. Stats by date

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March 20, 2020
Mar 20, 2020

I forgot in my previous entry, not sure how, but there are massive shortages of things like toilet paper in stores. It’s heavily talked about. There are plenty of questions like, “why is everyone hoarding toilet paper? It doesn’t make you have to poop.” Yeah … that’s true. But with it being in such short supply, I’m not going to fault anyone that buys two packages if they find it when they’d normally just buy one …

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Mar 20, 2020

Well, it’s been an interesting week. Starting last Wednesday, I was told by my job to to start working from home on the following day – and it would continue until further notice. I knew what COVID-19 was, I knew that it had made it to the United States. The previous Monday we’d done some tests to see how well a large population of us working from home would play out. But, I didn’t really know what we were in for. Life has changed at this point, in just a week. I guess I somewhat want to set a baseline with this post and then, for me if no one else, keep a journal as things continue to unfold.

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Removed Gallbladder
Aug 16, 2018

I had two separate series of events over the course of almost 2 years involving severe abdominal pain. 4-5 events about 2 years ago, and another 4-5 over the past 2 months. I underwent multiple scans, most of which came back saying my gallbladder was all-clear. Following another type of scan and the worst event to date, gallstones were discovered in my gallbladder. I was quickly scheduled for surgery and had my gallbladder removed. I’m now recovering. The following is a recounting of my experience.

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New Job
Apr 16, 2018

I just thought it was worth noting that I recently changed jobs. I’ve moved from being a consultant to practicing DevOps at a large Financial company. I’m really looking forward to the opportunities I believe this job will afford me. Anyhow, I generally don’t like talking about work, but as I’m trying to get back into blogging, I thought it was a point in time worth marking.

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Hugo and Lunr
Mar 28, 2018

Getting Hugo and Lunr playing nice with each other wasn’t too bad, but I had trouble finding a clear walk-through with current versions of the tools. My starting point was Joseph Earl’s post, Search your Hugo static site using lunr.js. That was the most complete guide I could find and got me … 80% of the way there. I think the hiccups I encountered were due to updates to the Lunr code and some breaking changes that happened since he wrote his post.

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Up and Running on Hugo
Mar 24, 2018

I decided to switch the site over to Hugo. At some point I would like to import some of my old posts from previous blogs. I always find that process a little difficult. When looking over past content it starts to seem dated or irrelevant to today. I’m sure there’s an argument for it showing a progression in thought or as reference material, but there’s plenty of, “hey, look what my dog did” that just doesn’t seem to be needed.

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Politics in America
Jan 6, 2013

I really feel that we have all become too polarized when it comes to politics these days. It seems like all we do now is yell out our opinions on things instead of trying to engage in helpful conversations, or even healthy debate, about the things that really matter. Social media is one place I see this play out particularly horribly. Think about it — who does it help to tap out, in 140 characters or less, what you feel about the fiscal cliff, or gun control, or whatever large topic you feel strongly about.

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